And a crumb of late summer is still there ...
See you soonHello...
How (e) are you? Did you see the "end" of this season?
It is there, 2 steps away from us, it gives us a puff of sun ... one, nothing more.
But those like me, who have worked incessantly since June, regret a little, but not too much.
Welcome it is, the time for a small windy and fresh break, in the shade of haggard elderberries ... already caught in the autumn dusk.
Welcome is the time for a walk in the woods, in search of a porcini scented with earth and moss, a handful of blackberries and a first flamed and yellowed leaf ...
Welcome is, the time to think in silence about the past months, the 100 new faces, of those you met this year ... Their stories, their smiles, their sad greetings, of those who leave a place that will remain in their hearts ... Emotions and sincere promises to meet again soon and again ...
How satisfying it is to be told that this little place of ours is, the home you find, where you feel at ease, where time passes lightly and transforms itself, where you can recover energy and dreams ...
Making both a Belgian and an Italian, an Englishman, a German ... a Thai, an American ... feel at home is a wonderful, stimulating commitment for us.
It is our aim, to share without embarrassment, without disturbance and embarrassment, trying to offer our best to those who come to visit us.
After all, ours is nothing more than a small support to this place, so normal and so magical at the same time, where the rhythms of life calm down. Breathe deeply, lulled by the singing of birds, by the green of the grass, by the rustle of bees on the lavenders, by swallows and butterflies, by the soft bellowing of the herd in the pasture ...
We will take a short break, to agree with the change of colors, with the cooler days, with the longer nights.
We will pick the chestnuts, we will light our stoves and our fireplaces, and it will still be a good time to spend time here, at the Guinza.
There will still be clear skies, full of stars to scrutinize, and it will be even more beautiful to tell each other, in the evening, sitting in the middle of the lawn, in front of a crackling brazier ...